All Shades of Love!
- Love is the most important thing in the life of every living organism. Be it a human being or even an animal all require love to be able to survive on this earth. It is love the gives a reason to live and gives a meaning to our life. Without being loved by any one or without loving any one is a thing impossible to do.
- Love makes us realize the importance of a person in our life. It is on account of the love we have for a person which makes us realize the value of his presence in our life. Love has the greatest capacity to heal physical n psychological illnesses. A depressed person can be cheered up again by showing him love which can make him forget his grievances. One cannot imagine a life where he or she will have to live without parental love or love from a sibling or love from a life partner. This is the kind of love a person requires at every stage of life.
- I strongly feel as it is important to have love in your life it is also important to understand the love of others. Times have changed so much that a human being now gives more importance to material things than to the love in his life. The love that exists today in our lives may not remain the same tomorrow. That’s why I think it is important for us to cherish every moment of love in our lives.
- In my opinion we must try to maintain relationships and base them on true and unconditional love. Love can make or destroy a person a person’s life depending on its kind. In fact this truth has been depicted in many movies with an intention to make us realize the kind of love we must have for people. Love should always be in its limits and should not turn to obsession. Love turned into obsession can lead to destruction of a persons life as a result of over interference and over protectiveness towards a person.
- Love also has the power to make miracles happen. It can turn thieves into leading a good life forgetting theft. It can have great influence over a persons life. A differentially abled person can be made to forget his disabilities by providing a lot of love and showing him that he is not different from others. Believe me! I experienced that….
- Love has the capacity to protect a person from danger. It is the love of a mother that makes her understand the reason for her child’s cry even though he cant speak. Love has the capacity makes us face challenges and defeat fear. When we know we have someone who loves us a lot we can do any thing to please person throughout our lives. We have seen in movies and sometimes in our own lives, Love does not always mean the company of a person whom you love. Sometimes you can show love by allowing him or her to be where he/she likes to be. This is how we sacrifice our likes for a person whom we love. When you love someone passionately that makes you want to get the whole world to do what your beloved wants. At that moment no one can stop you from doing any thing for a person. Love is an emotional bond that does not require a medium to be conveyed from one part of the world to another. It’s a feeling that does not give more importance to physical appearance but looks at the beauty of the heart of a person. A person with a heart of gold is bound to be loved by all irrespective of his or her physical appearance.
- Love has no caste, creed or religion. It is formed in the heart of any person who has a pure mind to make others happy. When you love some one you should be able to love him/her along with the positives and negatives of that person. You must be able to accept everything when it comes to loving a person.
- When you dislike a person because of the negative traits in him that means your love towards that person is not unconditional.
- According to me the golden rule of love is that there are no conditions according to which a person should be loved. The definition of love can be different for different people. There are also many ways to express love. Some do it in the form of there speech, some by gesture and some others in terms of songs or poetry. Love has no language and can understand any thing said from the bottom of your heart. It has a language of its own through which it makes two people communicate even though they don’t understand each others language. It is also important for us to show love towards god who has created for us all the other relations who love us. He shows his love by blessing us in the form of the love that we receive from the people around us. Love gives rise to other feelings such as sympathy, care n fear. Sometimes it is out of love that we sympathize with a person and try to bring him out of the situation that has created sympathy. When we love some one we always have the fear of experiencing pangs of separation from that person.
- This fear creates in us a need to avoid all the circumstances that will lead us to the separation. Love for a person makes us remember the smallest detail connected to that person.
- We try to find happiness in all that gives happiness to the person we love. The love that we receive sometimes can be deceptive but it is not possible for us to find out until we are betrayed by that person whom we love unconditionally. In such situations we tend to loose faith in love n it makes us feel there’s no trace of love left in the world.
- When the world was first created god filled only love in it but later man created so many things around himself that his love for material things over shadowed his love for the people around him and for god himself.
- As time changed family ties broke n nuclear families came to replace joint families. This is the most prominent change that makes us realize that love is being replaced by attraction to material things in man’s heart. Love has completely vanished n man has become nothing more than a commodity to another man. The ones who do not have any one to love them in the entire world know the actual value of love and are craving for it in one form or the other. Therefore, I think it is important for us to cherish moments of love with our loved ones before these moments get melted by the passing time.
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