
Showing posts from 2015

A Helping Hand

When was the last time you helped someone? Has it been so long that you can't remember? Then you must watch this video. This will remind you that a simple gesture sometimes becomes the greatest act of kindness. All of us feel compelled to help someone we love. But how many of us are ready to go out of the way for a stranger? It is true that the present circumstances have forced us to doubt everyone around us, but we are slowly becoming inhuman in this process. What we are failing to realize is that a simple act of kindness can make a world of difference for someone. When I say help, it does not always have to be big. It can be as simple as donating your old cloths to someone in need or just buy a candy for a street kid. This may not be a big deal for you, but for the person who receives your help, it may mean the world. To do this, we need to stop being selfish and look beyond ourselves. Look around! you may see many waiting for some help with a smile. When you do see someone,

Beyond Ramayana

How did the epic Ramayana end?  Is the truth only what we see in the movies?  What did Lord Rama do after the death of his beloved Sita? These are some questions that lie unanswered in all our minds.  Let us explore those roads of this epic, that lead us to untold stories of Lord Rama.  It is known to all that after the Agni Pariksha,  Goddess Sita gave herself to Bhudevi.  The last thing we know about Ramayana is that Lord Rama returns  to Ayodhya, with his twin sons Luv and Kush. Mythology takes the story further narrating how  Lord Rama lived thereafter.  It is said that the Lord fulfilled all responsibilities of an ideal King and  also trained the future Kings to be good rulers.  While Lord Rama continues to fulfill his duties in this manner,  Kaala Deva [God of Time] calls upon him.  He asks the Lord for some private time  for a confidential conversation.  Obeying the orders of Kaala Deva, Lord Rama asks his brother Lakshmana  to prevent an

Don't Underestimate The Power of a Woman!

Way back in India women could not even think about getting out of the kitchen  and doing something other than cooking dishes and washing vessels.  They were only confined to their household and could never look beyond their families to explore themselves.  It is only the recent history which has witnessed women working hard to achieve something  and I can say very proudly that they have to a large extent succeeded in their attempts!  Having heard and read about numerous things like these….. today my heart  fills with pride to see that  India had her first women President after a long list of male predecessors.  Although this is more than enough to consider it a remarkable achievement, I would like to mention here the names of a few more wonderful women  who have contributed to the pride and honor of our country.                                                     Be it our former president Mrs Pratibha Patil,  or the astronaut Kalpana Chawla, they all remind us of  the

I Love KFC... Not only for its food

There's something very nice about KFC apart from its yummy chicken. It is a humanitarian touch to their business. The inclusion I was talking about in my previous posts, is being implemented at KFC. The popular food joint has expressed inclusion by employing people with hearing and speech impairment! When I went there with my sister, I realized this has always been the specialty of KFC and wondered how I always missed it. It made me very happy to see that the inclusion I longed to see had started to take place. When I saw people ordering their food without hesitation about the disability of the staff, while they took all the orders with a pleasant smile on their faces, I could see the barriers breaking. I couldn't resist a smile at this thought!    So when I was back home I decided to write about how I  love KFC for more than just its food. I took some help from Google to know more than what I saw at the restaurant. I found out that there are KFC outlets that are manned b

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

Hello beautiful people! I'm always looking for inspiration... Being someone who is addicted to the T.V, music and the internet, this is where I find most of it. Today too, I saw a video that taught me to feel good about myself - to feel beautiful! This video reinforced the fact that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. When you watch this you realize that Vatika not only advertises long and healthy hair but also teaches you to look beyond yourself and in others. People have always had many questions about the scars on my hands. I never felt the need to hide them from the world. I was never ashamed of them. People around me never let me feel that way. This video just confirmed that I don't need to be. Watching this also reminded me of C.H. Cooley's Looking Glass Self Theory. In this Cooley explains human psychology. All individuals, irrespective of their age, view themselves based on how they think the world views them. In Cooley's words, I'm

Who created the Exams???

Since I recently finished my exams, I couldn't think of anything else to write about. I wanted to find out who's idea it was to make people write exams. I mean.. I know that it is important to test your knowledge before you can move to the next level but exams today are not just that... Anyway, my point here is not to criticize the ways of testing students. I just want to find out how it all started and who started it. So, I asked the guy who has all the answers - Google! This was when I understood that it was the Chinese who introduced this system. This was their way of selecting people to work for the government, which later became a universal practice. It was called the Imperial Examination established by the Sui Dynasty in 605 AD. Impressed by this, England was the next country to adopt this system in 1806. But how and why did it come to India? I tried very hard to find an answer to this question but all I got was disappointment! Can you imagine? Google who is Mr Know