Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

Hello beautiful people! I'm always looking for inspiration... Being someone who is addicted to the T.V, music and the internet, this is where I find most of it. Today too, I saw a video that taught me to feel good about myself - to feel beautiful! This video reinforced the fact that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. When you watch this you realize that Vatika not only advertises long and healthy hair but also teaches you to look beyond yourself and in others. People have always had many questions about the scars on my hands. I never felt the need to hide them from the world. I was never ashamed of them. People around me never let me feel that way. This video just confirmed that I don't need to be.
Watching this also reminded me of C.H. Cooley's Looking Glass Self Theory. In this Cooley explains human psychology. All individuals, irrespective of their age, view themselves based on how they think the world views them. In Cooley's words, I'm not what I think I'm, I'm not what you think I'm. I'm what I think, you think I'm. It may sound complicated but it is the truth of all our lives. We see the society as a mirror. It is true that the entire society is a mirror but the opinion of the important people in your life matters the most. Beauty is everywhere. So lets stop defining it and start seeing it :)    


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