Don't Wait To Be Inclusive

I'm here today to share a few thoughts about inclusion. It all started with a conversation I had at a party. My friend was very impressed with all my achievements despite Cerebral Palsy. I thanked him and said that none of this would be possible without an extremely supportive family and super-inclusive educators and employers. I've had people who built ramps for me, allowed me to work half a day, work in a fixed day shift and even work from the comfort of my home. As I said this, I was thinking out loud about others like me who are not lucky enough to meet inclusive educators and employers. 

Do they all have to lose out on education and employment opportunities just because of their disability? My friend said "It is not that easy. A school, college or an organisation will not create facilities without having people who need them." That's a fair argument. After all, why will any business create a product for which there's no demand?  It makes no sense from a business perspective. I went home that day, thinking a day will come when the demand will increase and the needs have to be met inevitably.

However, last night as I lay in bed waiting to fall asleep, I wondered why do organisation/institutions have to wait for candidates with disabilities to come to them before they can build a ramp or wheelchair-friendly washroom? Why can't it be the other way around? Why can't it be thought of at the inception of the organisation? Isn't it better to have the facilities first and then welcome the disabled community to join mainstream education/employment?

I believe inclusion as a policy is more profitable than many businesses, especially in India, have thought of it as. With facilities of accessibility for the disabled, an entity can attract a great reputation for itself (maybe even at a global level), attract great talent that can help them take path-breaking decisions for a successful business, enjoy greater employee retention and satisfaction and maybe even become the best employer in the city, state, country or the world. If the world sees this situation through the lens of inclusion, these facilities will no longer appear as expenditures but will be an investment that can give unimaginable profit.

I would like to congratulate those institutions/organisations that are already inclusive with regard to their policies and infrastructure and encourage those who are not, to start their journey on this path at the earliest. People, I've taken the first step in asking for what we, as a disabled community, need. Are you ready to take the next step and help people like me blend seamlessly with the rest of the world?


  1. Thank you for sensitizing us about how we need to be more empathetic.

    1. You're most welcome and thank you so much for taking time to read my post 😁🙏

  2. I absolutely believe what you said. Why should we wait for a disability candidate to come and then bulit a friendly washroom or a ramp? Shouldn't this be considered as a common facility that any one should provide . I believe that companies and institutions should design and build their infrastructure in a way that is helpful for disabled person weather he or she joins that company/institution or not.


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