Who created the Exams???

Since I recently finished my exams, I couldn't think of anything else to write about. I wanted to find out who's idea it was to make people write exams. I mean.. I know that it is important to test your knowledge before you can move to the next level but exams today are not just that... Anyway, my point here is not to criticize the ways of testing students. I just want to find out how it all started and who started it. So, I asked the guy who has all the answers - Google! This was when I understood that it was the Chinese who introduced this system. This was their way of selecting people to work for the government, which later became a universal practice. It was called the Imperial Examination established by the Sui Dynasty in 605 AD.

Impressed by this, England was the next country to adopt this system in 1806. But how and why did it come to India? I tried very hard to find an answer to this question but all I got was disappointment! Can you imagine? Google who is Mr Know All didn't have an answer to my question. Whoever started all this didn't think even once that his idea would deprive me of sleep, put me under stress and kill my happiness. Having said all that, I do understand the importance of exams and I like the excitement I feel, as I wait for the fruits of my hard work. If you find answers to the questions that I left unanswered, please do let me know :)



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