Do You Love Yourself?
On an ordinary day, my boredom took me to an interesting video on Youtube. It left a positive impact on me, so I wanted to share my experience with everyone.
We all know the importance of respecting ourselves before others can respect us, but do we all know that loving ourselves is equally important? Few months ago, I had watched a video that taught me this lesson. Unfortunately I dont remember the name of the speaker or the show to share it here. What I do remember is the words she said ‘’ be in a relationship with yourself!’’ It is then that I learnt the need to love my self for what I’m. The concept of unconditional love applies here too.
So just like you make vow at the wedding to love, comfort and protect your partner, you take a vow to love yourself for as long as you live. I used to be very upset about not looking great when I walk around or not being able to wear certain cloths because of my disability, but this video changed my perspective about myself. I wont say it happened over night. It took me some time to work on myself. In fact I’m still working on it, but I’m sure that one day I can turn all my flaws into my strengths and create a unique identity for myself.
Now just because I gave my own example, please dont assume that this message is directed towards persons with disability. It is for all those who are busy pleasing the world and have forgotten about themselves. We all have a need to love ourselves and it is our responsibility to fulfill this need. Happiness is knocking on your door. The moment you open it, your life will change forever!
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