I'm Grateful For My Disability - Part 2

I am so glad I kept my Yahoo mail active. I usually use it as a backup to send those files/information that I want to delete from my phone and other email accounts. Few minutes ago, I was casually looking at my old emails flooding my inbox and I found an incredibly positive description of my disability. I don't remember writing this at all. It is very similar to my recent blog post so I decided to call it part 2. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brought me. July 25, 2020 I'm starting to realize that disability has never been the bad guy in my life. Somehow, it didn't bother me as child, but it won't let me be at peace as an adult. What's changed? Perhaps my expectations of myself after I understood the real world. When I fail to meet my new expectations and those of others, I feel trapped in an unsolvable chaos. As a kid I never felt like I'm troubling someone while they took care of me. Now, it bothers me a lot to ask people to do anything more than...