Turning 29 Without You

It didn't feel like our birthday this year. I tried telling myself that it's okay. I tried to apply what I had learnt on Instagram. The post read "Reduce your sense of entitlement. You'll be at peace." I intend to live by it. I really do. And I'm trying. I tried to apply it here, but I couldn't. I know you tried to be with me, like always, because I did too. But things aren't always like we'd want them to be and probably that's how we have a verity of experiences. Cutting the cake felt strange. I didn't have the hand that actually does the job while I pretend. I could blow out the candle only in the second attempt, but I made a wish that it should never be the same again. I fought my tears while I did this. I fought well. Everyone's been telling me to accept the change and move on. They said it's okay and I should celebrate anyway because time is precious and these moments won't come back. I know they're right, but I'...