I Love KFC... Not only for its food

There's something very nice about KFC apart from its yummy chicken. It is a humanitarian touch to their business. The inclusion I was talking about in my previous posts, is being implemented at KFC. The popular food joint has expressed inclusion by employing people with hearing and speech impairment! When I went there with my sister, I realized this has always been the specialty of KFC and wondered how I always missed it. It made me very happy to see that the inclusion I longed to see had started to take place. When I saw people ordering their food without hesitation about the disability of the staff, while they took all the orders with a pleasant smile on their faces, I could see the barriers breaking. I couldn't resist a smile at this thought! So when I was back home I decided to write about how I love KFC for more than just its food. I took some help from Google to know more than what I saw at the restaurant. I found out that there are KFC outlets that are ma...