Don't Wait To Be Inclusive

I'm here today to share a few thoughts about inclusion. It all started with a conversation I had at a party. My friend was very impressed with all my achievements despite Cerebral Palsy. I thanked him and said that none of this would be possible without an extremely supportive family and super-inclusive educators and employers. I've had people who built ramps for me, allowed me to work half a day, work in a fixed day shift and even work from the comfort of my home. As I said this, I was thinking out loud about others like me who are not lucky enough to meet inclusive educators and employers. Do they all have to lose out on education and employment opportunities just because of their disability? My friend said "It is not that easy. A school, college or an organisation will not create facilities without having people who need them." That's a fair argument. After all, why will any business create a product for which there's no demand? It makes no sense from a b...