The black spot that stays

Remember 'the black spot on the white paper' experiment? It is not leaving my mind today. I'm not sure why. I thought hard, but I couldn't decide whether it was because someone refused to see me as a contributor to society and was stuck with the idea of my limitation or because my ability was under valued many times. The spot never really bothered me as a child. Actually, I don't remember when it started bothering me. Maybe ten years ago, when I thought I can outperform the others and make people see me as the person that am, not as the girl on the wheelchair... I thought I could change things. It seemed to work initially. I thought I'd succeeded. I thought I'd washed of the spot, but it reappeared. This time, even an excellent performance couldn't wash it away. One of my flaws has been that I'm quick to generalize. Usually, my family helps me see the brighter side. This time too, I was hoping my generalization was wrong. Sadly, it wasn't. I c...