What if..

What would you do if you got one day to live differently? I've been wondering about this and couldn't come to a concrete solution. What all do I want to change? Will one day be enough to enjoy the change or will I be greedy for more? Will I like the change or not? I don't know.. When I asked my friend about his opinion on my blog, he said "It's nice, but it's away from reality." I always want an honest opinion about my work and I am glad I get it.. most of the time. I can't completely disagree with him. I gave it a thought and I realized that maybe it's true. My blog is unreal probably because I am happier in my imagination. I can do whatever I want without the obstacles that confine my wishes in reality. So this post, like the others, shall be far from reality. What all would I do? Take dance classes, go on a bike ride, wear that amazing dress and watch people's jaw drop, cook all the dishes I watch on Instagram and eat them and lot of ...